The documentary series provides an in-depth portrayal of Omnia Basketball Academy (OBA), offering a window into the lives of its diverse roster of players who are from varied backgrounds. The series narrates the lives of the players as they navigate through demands of both academics and athletics.
At the heart of the documentary lies OBA's relentless pursuit of excellence on the basketball court. As the players juggle their commitments to school and sport, they embark on a thrilling journey to compete for the Finnish under-19 championship. With every game, practice session, and tournament, viewers are granted exclusive access into the grit, determination, and passion that drive these young athletes to push their limits and strive for greatness.
Leaving their local competition and taking their talents to France, the players of OBA set their sights on international tournaments against some of Europe's most historic basketball teams in Cholet.
Through hard matchups and adrenaline-pumping showdowns, the series captures the atmosphere of competition as OBA's players square off against top-tier teams from across the continent, showcasing their skills and tenacity on a global scale.
With dreams of securing scholarships to American colleges, some players embark on a journey of ambition and determination, trying to make their own path to success in collegiate basketball. For them, the pursuit of academic and athletic excellence intertwines as they strive to make an impression on scouts and coaches, all in the hopes of a shot at the NBA